March's Cool Shit

This month we're feeling a wee bit nostalgic.

Olivia's Cool Shit

Founder + CEO

TV Show: House (2002)

For most of my childhood, House was my favorite show. So when the writers strike meant that our run of incredible new TV shows came to a halt this fall, I was slightly skeptical to rewatch the show that had a warm spot in my heart for so long. I mean the show premiered in 2002 and it's safe to say a lot of early aughts shows do not hold up so well.

So you can imagine my utter shock and delight to the fact that not only does it hold up but it's an even more fun watch as an adult who actually understands the jokes and commentary. Sure there are some heavily cringe moments but all in all, the fact this show was on the air over 20 years ago making the statements it was making is truly cool shit.

Liz's Cool Shit

Art Director

I’ve had this watch for about 6 months now and it’s a daily occurrence that I think about how much I love it. It has everything you need and nothing you don’t. You’ve got the date and time, a stopwatch, timer, and the (maybe not so necessary for some…) tide time. But some of the simplest things in life are the most practical, and that’s how I feel about her. Plus she’s adorable and Nixon’s attention to the little details go a long way in my book.

Laura's Cool Shit

Designer + Social Media Manager

This medium Wacom tablet is literally god sent! If you’re a graphic designer and do lots of illustration work, this can save so much time (and hand pain) when using the pencil tool in Adobe Illustrator. I recently traveled to Colombia and left my trusty Apple pencil back home (sad!) but this tablet saved my life and helped me create one of my favorite illustrations to date!

Multimedia Moodboard

We each chose an adjective without knowing what the others were going to choose. The challenge: create a moodboard that encapsulates these words through art, music, books, poems, movies, etc.

The words: Dry, Upbeat, Adventurous.

Top Left to Bottom Right

The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (Movie); Aside from my Heart, All is Well (Book); Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen (Movie); New Yorker Magazine for Bottoms (Movie); Photo by Jonathan Anderson; Artist Maisie Kane

A Bit of Reading

TwoLips Feature

When Nommli came to us asking for us to help them create beautiful printed material to go inside their subscription box we said say no more! Each Nommli box comes with a restaurant quality meal to cook with your family, educational resources to learn about the featured culture, and so many more fun surprises

Have an idea for a project or looking for a brand update? We’d love to chat! Reach out to [email protected]