December's Cool Shit đź‘„ đź‘„

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We launched our weekly newsletter, Monday Morning Brand Bites which dives into branding, business, and whatever else we’re talking about with clients and partners. So far the lead stories have talked about the branding issue of the Democratic party, what you can learn from Dancing with the Stars on personal branding, and this week we talked why clichés and tropes aren’t always a bad thing highlighting Christmas movies.

Olivia's Cool Shit

Founder + CEO

James by Percival Everett

Holy. Moly. This book. I am not one who is typically swayed by big awards or critics because frankly, a lot of times they just aren’t my cup of tea. As much as I love lit fic, I need something to sink my teeth into. And by gosh, does James do that.

James is retelling of Huckleberry Finn — a book I most definitely did not read in high school — from the perspective of Huck’s slave, Jim. This book is wickedly funny, poignant, political, dark, and a genuinely fun read, which is a tall order in a story who’s protagonist an escaped slave who is charged with murder in the south in the 1800s. As I’ve said before, I don’t typically rank my books but this one is definitely top 3, right up there with Monstrillio from this spring!

Liz's Cool Shit

Art Director

This season I’ve been staying in much colder climates which means I’ve encountered many nights below 15F. Unfortunately, these cold nights have resulted in my heat going out and everything freezing. Because of this, a friend lent me their Mr.Buddy portable heater and boy do I wish I had had this sooner, as it would have saved me a lot of headache and given me much more peace of mind. It quickly went to the top of my Christmas list, and if you’re any kind of winter outdoor enthusiast, it should go on yours too, as it’s a great backup heat source in an emergency, or just extra comfort for chilly nights camping.

Guest Cool Shit!

As some of you may know, Laura is no longer with TLC — she got an amazing opportunity working in NYC at Brooklinen (so if you see their beautiful ads, you can now picture who made them ❤️).

We are now going to feature a rotating guest list of incredible folks who are going to share some of their favorite cool shit!

Morgan Burns

Insight Timer

Meditation became an important part of my life when getting my yoga teacher certification almost a decade ago. Insight Timer has been with me the whole time. It’s a robust tool with guided practices, courses, and a timer you can program for self-guided days. Whether you’re just starting out and wondering how the heck you clear your mind (spoiler alert: you don’t), or if you’re deep into your practice and follow a specific lineage, there’s content for what you need. The free version is great so cost won’t keep you from exploring.  

Multimedia Moodboard

We each chose an adjective without knowing what the others were going to choose. The challenge: create a moodboard that encapsulates these words through art, music, books, poems, movies, etc.

The words: Serendipitous, Effervescent, Frosty

Top Left to Bottom Right

Lech Ice Bar #3 by Slim Aarons / Photo by Suitcase and I | Art by Caroline Ellis Art / 'Starry Night Out 02 by Eleanor Sparkes / The Snow Angel by Christy Ann Martine / All of Us Strangers (2023)

When we launched our Brand Design for Bold Businesses campaign, we also undertook overhauling over website. The goal — keep it looking and feeling the same but to overhaul the backend and website architecture to better explain what we do! We’d love if you check it out and let us know what you think 🙂 

Does your brand or website need a little TLC? We’d love to chat!