October's Cool Shit ๐Ÿ‘„ ๐Ÿ‘„

Olivia's Cool Shit

Founder + CEO

Living Near Friends

Truth time. When people ask (especially in professional settings like networking events) why we moved to Chicago, I often find myself saying this exact sentence โ€œMy partner is an architect and I have a design agency, and we love cities and so Chicago made sense! Oh, and all of our friends have ended up there so it was a win-win all around.โ€

But the truth? Our friends were the primary factor to us moving. Sure, there is an argument that itโ€™s also good for our careers but the part that has been truly life changing is that I get to see my closest friends weekly. So this is my PSA that moving to be close to your friends should be far more normal.

Liz's Cool Shit

Art Director

Hot Springs!

Iโ€™ve been practicing mindfulness for some time now, but have really loved incorporating it into exercise as of late. What I love most about Open is their โ€œMoveโ€ catalog, which has everything ranging from Yoga, Pilates, HIIT, stretching classes and more, and range in durations up to an hour! I used to pay for Youtube Premium in order to download classes off there, but this is way more user friendly, consistent and overall just beautiful to interact with. Plus, because their teachers are trained in meditations and breath work, many of the exercise classes weave those principals into the workout.

Laura's Cool Shit

Designer + Social Media Manager

Creative Solo Dates

Nothing is more fulfilling than a morning solo coffee date to draw out my ideas and sketch future paintings. It's been a few crazy months for me where I have not been able to do what I love the most: paint. And while I tried my best to stick with routines, nothing worked. That is until I discovered the power of being inside a cozy space, alone, with my headphones on, drawing away with no expectations and pressure. This has to be my favorite way to brainstorm my creative ideas.

Multimedia Moodboard

We each chose an adjective without knowing what the others were going to choose. The challenge: create a moodboard that encapsulates these words through art, music, books, poems, movies, etc.

The words: Crisp, Endearing, Dreamlike

Top Left to Bottom Right

Cupid and Psyche by Antonio Canova | โ€˜Fourth of Julyโ€™ by Sufjan Stevens | Please Please Please by Sabrina Carpenter | Donโ€™t Hesitate (2017) Mary Oliver | Pride and Prejudice movie ( 2005)


We are launching a new weekly newsletter called Monday Morning Brand Bites. With this, we are asking everyone to complete our incredibly short 3-question survey to let us know a bit more about you and which newsletter(s) you want to receive ๐Ÿช„ 

We are SO excited for the launch of the brand new Seen Hiring website! This new website takes the Seen brand to a whole new level while also showing off the platform better than ever.

Does your website need a little TLC? Weโ€™d love to chat!